Acesess wireless configuration point

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

There are two wireless devices, one type of wireless Access Point (AP) and a longer Wireless Cable / DSL Router. Both these devices have not functioned optimally, it arises directly curiosity to configure the AP. Models and brands of wireless devices is not mentioned, being unable fee from the vendor and allows for exploration to be accessed more easily by the existing illegal in the area around the office he .. he ..

The first configuration done to the AP, there is the password, the default password has been changed, no need to ask the previous configurator, find ways to do factory reset to default settings on, can some information from the forum / mailing list, after a try finally returned to the AP configuration initial setting.

AP Interface to set the settings done by entering the IP address of the AP device through the browser, some configuration done, such as by:
  1. Adjust so that the AP can serve as a DHCP server
  2. Try features Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
  3. Regulate access based on who accessed the device MAC Address
  4. etc.
Several configurations are made is not working properly, for example, even though the DHCP server has been set, the AP does not provide IP in accordance with the allocation specified.

Firmware Upgade
Typically such devices have firmware AP will provide a firmware upgrade to make improvements, even with firmware upgrades will be no additional or new functions. Simply search for the latest firmware for the AP in the vendor website. Apparently there have been several releases of the old firmware on the AP, download the latest firmware version. Download the firmware is in the form of executable file, run the file and decompresses it will generate the README file and firmware updates.

the upgrade process can be done easily, which is done directly through a browser, enter the firmware update file, then click sumbit, in less than one minute upgrade process is completed and the new firmware directly attached. Reset to default factory settings in accordance Vendor recommendations in the README file.

Firmware upgrade gives very satisfactory results, ie the DHCP server is working properly and providing additional facilities / new wireless device now functions into three types:
  1. Access Point (default functionality)
  2. Client Bridge Mode
  3. Repeater Mode
AP and Computer Server
Today the AP has been functioning well and properly, then there is a desire to set up a computer to be used as a server that will provide functionality for:
  1. User management
  2. Access Management
  3. Proxy and Firewall
  4. Authentication management
  5. Recording the log / history access
  6. Provide billing feature

wireless security

Wireless network or a wireless network is often referred to as fairly easy to set up, and also feels very comfortable, especially if we want to be able to walk way around the home or office with a portable computer but still could still access the internet network. However, since the wave of wireless use, it will be easier to hack into than wired connections. There are a few tips here to secure the wireless network.

The following steps steps

1. Using Encryption.

Encryption is the first security measure, but many wireless access points (WAPs) do not use encryption as a default. Although many WAP has Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol, but not enabled by default. WEP does have some holes in securitynya, and an experienced hacker would be able to open it, but it's still better than no encryption at all. Be sure to set the WEP authentication method to "shared key" rather than "open system". To "open system", he did not encrypt data, but only authenticate the client. Change the WEP key as often as possible, and use 128-bit WEP compared with the 40-bit.

2. Use Strong Encryption.
Because of the weakness of the existing weaknesses in WEP, then it is advisable to use a Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) as well. To use WPA, WAP had to the support. The client side must also be able to support WPA .

3. Change the Default Administrator Password.
Many plants now use the same password for all administrative WAP their products. The default password is usually already known to the hackers, which can be used to change the settings on your WAP. The first thing that must be done in the WAP configuration is changing the default password TSB. Use at least eight characters, any combination of letters and numbers, and do not use the word of words in the dictionary.

4. Turn off SSID Broadcasting.

Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of our wireless network. By default, the SSID of the WAP will be in the broadcast. This will make users easy to find these networks, because the SSID will appear in the list of available wireless networks that exist on the client. If the SSID is turned off, users must know the SSID of his first bit can be connected with the network.

5. Turn off When Not Used WAP.
The way this one seems very simple, but few companies or individuals do it. If we have users who only connect at certain times only, there is no reason to run a wireless network at any time and provides an opportunity for intruders to carry out his evil intentions. We can turn off the access point when not in use.

6. Change the default SSID. Factories provide a default SSID.
Usefulness of the SSID broadcast is turned off to prevent anyone else know the name of our network, but if you still use the default SSID, will not be difficult for us to guess the SSID of the network.

7. Using MAC Filtering.
Most WAP (not the cheap cheap of course) will allow us to use the filter media access control (MAC). This means we can create a "white list" of computers may access the computer that our wireless network, based on the MAC or physical address of the network card in each pc. Connections from the MAC is not in the list will be rejected. This method is not always safe, because it is still possible for a hacker sniffing packets that we do transmit via the wireless network and get a valid MAC address from one user, and then used it to make a spoof. But MAC filtering will make an intruder difficulties that are still very good candidate.

8. Isolating Wireless Network from the LAN.
To protect the cable from the internal network threats coming from the wireless network, it is important to make a wireless DMZ or perimeter network is isolated from the LAN. This means installing a firewall between the wireless network and LAN. And for wireless clients that require access to the internal network, he must first authenticate to the RAS server or use VPN. This provides an extra layer for protection.

9. Wireless Signal controls.
802.11b WAP transmits waves of up to approximately 300 feet. But this distance can be added by replacing with a better antenna. By using high-gain antenna, we can get more distance. Directional antenna will transmit signals in a particular direction, and pancarannya not circular as in omnidirectional antennas that are usually found on the package setandard WAP. In addition, by selecting the appropriate antenna, we can control distance and direction signals to protect themselves from intruders. In addition, there are several settings that can be WAP signal strength and direction through the WAP config.

10. Emit waves at different frequencies.
One way to hide from hackers who often use technologies 802.11b / g is more popular is to use 802.11a. Because 802.11a works on frequencies different (ie the frequency of 5 GHz), NICs are designed for working on technology that is popular not be able to capture the signals

leassed line

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Definition: A leased line connects two locations for private voice and/or data telecommunication service. Tidak kabel khusus, sebuah leased line sebenarnya adalah sebuah sirkuit reserved antara dua titik. Not a dedicated cable, a leased line is actually a reserved circuit between two points. baris sewa guna usaha dapat bentang jarak pendek atau panjang. Leased lines can span short or long distances. Mereka mempertahankan satu rangkaian terbuka sepanjang waktu, sebagai lawan dari layanan telepon tradisional yang menggunakan kembali garis yang sama untuk percakapan yang berbeda-beda melalui proses yang disebut "switching." They maintain a single open circuit at all times, as opposed to traditional telephone services that reuse the same lines for many different conversations through a process called "switching."

Leased lines most commonly are rented by businesses to connect branch offices, because these lines guarantee bandwidth for network traffic. Jadi yang disebut leased line T1 yang umum dan yang menawarkan data rate yang sama seperti DSL simetris (1,544 Mbps). So-called T1 leased lines are common and offer the same data rate as symmetric DSL (1.544 Mbps). Individu yang secara teoritis dapat juga sewa sirkit sewa untuk kecepatan akses Internet-tinggi, tetapi biaya tinggi (seringkali lebih dari $ 1000 USD per bulan) menghalangi kebanyakan,. Pecahan T1 garis mulai dari 128 Kbps, mengurangi biaya ini agak dan dapat ditemukan di apartemen bangunan dan hotel. Individuals can theoretically also rent leased lines for high-speed Internet access, but their high cost (often more than $1000 USD per month) deters most. Fractional T1 lines, starting at 128 Kbps, reduce this cost somewhat and can be found in some apartment buildings and hotels.

IP Adress

1. What is IP address?

How computers are connected to the Internet network are interconnected and send messages? This problem is analogous to the problem of sending a letter in the real world. I suppose that is domiciled in Aquarius 16 Bandung Hifni want to send a letter to the address at No. 100 street xxx Condongcatur Sleman. First I will write the contents of my letter in a paper. Then I enter the letter into an envelope. Why do I put in the envelope? So that my mail is protected. By using the envelope, the risk of damage to my letter will be smaller than not using envelopes. After that I will write Hifni address on the envelope the letter, and never forgot a name Hifni, because if not written down his name, the letter could be lost to the brother or sister. I also wrote down my name and address on the back of the envelope, so that if Hifni want to reply to my letter, he knows my address. If the correct mailing address, stamp enough, and a route to the house can be impassable Hifni, the letter would arrive.

In this first lecture we will discuss one important component in a computer network. Components that are IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is analogous to a home address on sending a letter above. IP address (version 4) is made up of binary numbers (0 and 1) as long as 32 bits (binary digits) which is divided into four segments. Each segment consists of eight bits. It means to have a decimal value of 0 (00000000) to 255 (11,111,111). So roughly it can be concluded that the number of addresses that can be used by computers worldwide are connected to the internet as much as 232 units (although there is a specific IP that is not used by special reasons). To simplify the reading, IP addresses are usually written in decimal for example IP address structure is divided into two parts, namely Network ID and Host ID. As the name implies, Network ID serves to identify at which a computer network is located, while the Host ID serves to identify a computer (host) on a network. In one network, the host ID must be unique, as an analogy in one way, there can be no home with the same numbers. Different networks separated by routers network id.

2. IP address classes

IP addresses are divided into five classes A to E. The IP address that is used generally divided into three classes, while two other classes used for specific purposes. This is to facilitate the distribution of IP addresses worldwide.

Class A:

- Format: 0nnnnnnn.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh
- First Bit: 0
- Long-Network ID: 8 bits
- Long Host ID: 24 bits
- The first byte: 0-127
- Total: 126 class A (0 and 127 are reserved)
- IP Range: until
- Number of IP: 16,777,214 IP addresses in each class A

This class of IP addresses given to a very large network, which in every network there are about 16 million hosts.

Class B:

- Format: 10nnnnnn.nnnnnnnn.hhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhh
- The first two bits: 10
- Long-Network ID: 16 bits
- Long Host ID: 16 bits
- The first byte: 128-191
- Amount: 16 384 class B
- Range IP: to
- Total IP: 65 535 IP addresses for each class B

This class of IP addresses given to network with medium-large size. Examples are the ITB campus network that gets the class B IP address allocations (thanks to Onno W. Purbo), with a network id 167 205.

Class C:

- Format: 110nnnnn.nnnnnnnn.nnnnnnnn.hhhhhhhh
- The first three bits: 110
- Long-Network ID: 24 bits
- Long Host ID: 8 bits
- The first byte: 192-223
- Number: 2,097,152 Class C
- IP Range: until
- Number of IP: 254 IP addresses for each class C

This class IP networks are allocated for small size.

Class D IP multicast address that is used as a number of computer use with an application. An example is the application of real-time video conference involving more than two hosts, such as that held at the ITB in the course of SOI (School on Internet) along with several universities in Asia. IP feature of class D is its first four bits 1110. IP E-class (the first four bits 1111) are allocated for experimental purposes.

3. Which need to be considered in the selection of IP addresses

A basic rule elections Network ID and Host ID:

- Network ID should not be valued at 127. Because Network ID 127 is used as a loopback address is the address used by computers to refer to himself.
- Network ID and Host ID can not be totaled 255 (all bits set to 1). Nework ID or Host ID which totaled 255 is the network broadcast address. When sent a message to the entire host alamt broadcast on the network will receive that message.
- Network ID and Host ID can not be entirely value 0 (all bits set to 0). IP address with all host id value 0 is defined as a network address that points to the network, not to the host.
- Host ID must be unique within a network.

4. Cover

So, with the development of internet users, IP addresses available no less. The designer first IP address did not think that would be such a rapid development of internet. Then what's the solution? There are several alternatives that are now underway. First to reduce usage by IP address subnetting, Supernetting, NAT, etc.. Second, do the migration from IP version 4 to IP version 6 which has allocated up to 3.4 x 1038.
To view your IP configuration, open a command prompt (Windows) and then type ipconfig / all and press Enter. For UNIX, open a shell / terminal and then type ifconfig and press enter. IP address on a computer can be determined by static or dynamic. The determination is done by setting the static IP address on the computer directly. While the dynamic determination is done by using a dial up ISP (internet service provider) or by connecting themselves with the DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). For example, computers in the lab Informatics Association Informatics Engineering, ITB I get a dynamic IPnya through server so IPnya address at a time can change automatically. The advantage of using DHCP is able to prevent IP conflict or the presence of the same IP address on one network.

Configure DNS Server

For the operation of a computer network Internet, actually addressing a computer performed using numbers known as Internet Protocol (IP) address which consists of 32 bits. Surely it would be difficult for the human / user to remember the many millions of computers around the Internet. For naming it developed engine that is more humane to use the concept of Domain Name System (DNS). In this paper we will try to explain how to set up DNS Server on the machine with a UNIX OS. This capability will be needed if an institution / company wants to have a hostname own name on the Internet.

Domain Name System is one of the types of systems that serve the demand for mapping IP addresses to FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and the FQDN to IP Address. FQDN easier to remember by humans rather than an IP Address. For example, a computer has an IP Address and have a FQDN "". The name "" certainly easier to remember than an IP Address numbers above. Especially after the birth of the concept of IP Version 6 that has six segments for each computer so that the number of IP addresses to be longer and more difficult to remember. In addition, the control also provides mail routing service, information about the hardware, operating system you run, and network applications are handled by the host.

In the UNIX operating system, control is implemented using the software Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). BIND has two sides, namely the client side and server side. Client side is called the resolver. Resolver is in charge of raising questions about domain name registration information that is sent to the server side. BIND server side, this is a daemon called named. He who will answer queries from the resolver given to him.

At the time of BIND running, he has four operating modes, namely:

Computers only generate information query the domain name to a DNS server and DNS server does not perform the function.
Computers running the name server function, but does not have a DNS server database. He only learned the answers to queries that are provided by a remote control server and store them in memory. The data in memory will be used to answer subsequent queries granted him.

Primary server
Computers running the function name servers based on its database. This database is built by the administrator control. This server becomes authoritative source for a particular domain

Secondary server
Computers running the name server functions based on a database drawn from the primary server. The process of making the database files are often called zone transfer files. He is also an authoritative source for that domain
  • Resolver-only
When in resolver-only mode, BIND will find the file / etc / resolv.conf (on UNIX in general) and read the configuration specified in the file. If BIND does not find that file it will use its default configuration.
Basic form of syntax in the / etc / resolv.conf is as follows:

name domain
nameserver address
[Nameserver address]
declare a default domain name domain as defined by the entry name. If there is writing a host name that contains no punctuation point the resolver would add the entry the name behind the name of that host. As an example, if you write the mail just the host name and entry name contains then the resolver will use the name Name server states which server should be contacted if there is a query from the resolver on the above domain. If the server could not be reached, then the target server query throws.

Example listing file / etc / resolv.conf :

# Resolver configuration file
# Server neareset is, IP
# failed ??? Try the second server :, IP
# Fail again? The third server :, IP

The third mode can then be done in parallel or stand alone on a computer that becomes a DNS server. Mode setting is done in the named daemon configuration. Critical files which is a reference to named to operate is named.boot, data_cache, data_domain, and data_reverse. named.boot is a file that contains a boot script for the DNS server. data_cache is a file that contains the DNS root servers. data_domain is a file that contains the mapping of the FQDN to IP Address and complete data from the relevant domain. data_reverse is a file that contains data about an IP address to FQDN mapping. In the UNIX operating system, the files are located in the directory / etc / namedb. Becomes the default directory for the named.

The most important configuration file for named is the file / etc / namedb / named.boot. This file contains commands that define the function named as a caching-only server, primary server, or the secondary server.
  • Caching-only
If we wanted to set the named only operates on the caching-only mode the file containing the command cache named.boot just follow the file name that contains the main servers as the place to throw a query.
Here is an example file named named.boot which we set to operate at a caching-only mode

; File named.boot
; Defines the default directory
directory / etc / namedb
; A caching-only server
data_cache cache
; Be the primary domain name server on primary PTN
; Be the primary server for mapping IP addresses to FQDN 169.98.1.x
1.98.169.IN-ADDR.ARPA primary rev_169.98.1.x

If we also be the primary computer server for mapping IP addresses to FQDN 169.98.1.x then we add the last entry.
  • Secondary Server
Secondary servers are DNS servers that use the domain database has been transferred from the primary server. To set the server to be secondary to a specific domain, we add a word followed by a secondary domain that was held, followed by the primary server IP address and ends with the file name database.

For example, our computer will act as secondary servers for the domain Primary domain server held by the server with IP Address numbers. Named.boot so we edit the file like the following:

; File named.boot
; Defines the default directory
directory / etc / namedb
; A caching-only server
data_cache cache
; Be the primary domain name server on primary PTN
; A secondary domain name server on from secondary sec_pts
; Be the primary server for mapping IP addresses to FQDN 169.98.1.x
1.98.169.IN-ADDR.ARPA primary rev/rev_169.98.1.x
; A secondary server for mapping IP addresses to FQDN 190.21.85.x
85.21.190.IN-ADDR.ARPA secondary rev/sec_190.21.85.x
If we also become a secondary server for mapping an IP address to the FQDN of the server 190.21.85.x we add the last entry.

The next step is to create, and data_reverse data_domain file (such as State and rev/rev_169.98.1.x file) which will be discussed in future articles.

40 Step Easy to Assemble a computer

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

This time I will try to provide information on how to assemble a computer, okay,, preparations should we prepare is


I suggest you'd better to make assembling computers in private rooms and is free of dust. Ideally, it's in the air-conditioned room (air conditioning). Prepare a worktable that is wide enough to put all the equipment and supplies, and put a comfortable chair. Do not smoke, because of cigarette ash can contaminate and damage PC components, especially processors. Put your drinking water away from the desk. Use lighting that is also quite strong.

To avoid static currents make sure electrical outlets in your home or use an earthed Antistatic wrist strap and rubber sandals. Anti-static bracelet is a bracelet wired one end attached to the PC casing. Do not stand with bare feet or step on something that conducts electricity, such as sheet vinyl or plastic sheets. O yes, wash your hands first and allow to dry. This is to avoid sweat and dirt on hands can cause rusting PC components


Prepare casings, open it and remove it from the box. Casing that we use here is a tower model with the side cover. Open the two covers side by removing the four bolts that are behind the casing. Store the first two cover addition in a safe place.
Then Put swicthing power supply unit (PSU) adapter in the space provided. In the middle of tower and tower models, usually place at the top. Then glue it with four bolts. You can skip this step if you purchased the casing have included PSU in it.


Open up the box your motherboard, remove and place the motherboard on the table. But earlier, give the mats at the bottom of the motherboard with a cork which is available in the crib. Find the processor chip on the motherboard socket. The socket has a hole in accordance with the number of pins on the chip. In one corner there are two holes that are closed.
Remove the processor by way of a hook lever pressing and then pull it upwards. Position hooks should be completely perpendicular, so that the socket holes completely open. Take processor, hold it firmly on the side-fractions. Then position it on the processor socket, make sure the corner is marked with a triangle near the hook. Plug in the processor chip in the socket and make sure the pin stuck into it. Be careful, do not be bent or broken pins.

After the chip entered correctly into the socket, lower the hook by way of pushing back down. Hook up completely locked so that the processor chip can not be separated. Chip is not locked can also cause errors when the computer starts

Should give the heatsink and fan on the processor chip to heat the processor is not fast and durable. Apply a little thermal paste or pasta cooler on it, then attach the heatsink and fan on top. Lock the processor fan by alternately pressing the two hook and carefully.

Lock the processor fan by alternately pressing the two hook and carefully. Do not until you press too hard on the upper side of the fan. Then plug the power cable for the fan to the motherboard. Location of the socket is usually located next to the processor socket, looking for just that reads the CPU FAN.

Next plug the memory card (RAM) on the DIMM slots that have been provided. Customize the type of RAM with the motherboard you use. At this practice we use the Asus P4B mobo that supports only type of SDRAM memory. Want to know your motherboard supports what type of memory? Look at the shape memory slot on the motherboard. When a slot has two limiting antarpin, means the type of RAM you should use the SD-RAM. Conversely, if there is only one barrier pins, then use the type of DDR-RAM. To install it, open the first hook Lock the memory card, then plug the card properly. Make sure the entire foot stuck the card in the slot. Then enter a key position with a hook on the lever penguncinya into the hole on the memory card.

Switch to the casing, put the screws to the motherboard on the base plate. Colors are usually golden and hollow bolt. These bolts are usually supplied at the time you buy a PC casing. If not, then you can buy at the store nearest computer accessories. Make sure the placement in accordance with the number and position of the bolt holes that held the motherboard. Then tighten the bolts using pliers.

Prepare also the back cover plate, as a place of emergence of port PS / 2, USB, COM, Parallel and soundcards. This plate is also included when you buy the PC casing. Put on the back side of the casing, the position under the power supply. After that, install the bolt

Lift the motherboard and place it into the casing. Position the motherboard with the bolt holes fit over the base bolts. Then put the bolts mobo which has been given a ring insulator. Use insulating ring just to avoid short-circuiting between pathways motherboard with screws. However, the existing motherboard designs currently prevent electronic route around the bolt holes. Once installed everything, fasten one by one by using a screwdriver

Wireless devices and functions

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Wireless devices and functions
first - first you should prepare is

1. Acsess point

Function Access Point supposing as a Hub / Switch on the local network, which acts to connect the local network with a wireless network / wireless the client / your neighbors, at this access point internet connection from where you are emitted or transmitted via radio waves, the size also affects the signal strength coverage area will be covered, the higher the signal strength (size in units of dBm or mW) was getting wider scope. There are several access points that match recommended for your transmitter, eg Engenius Senao, Ubiquty Bullet, Edimax, and Mikrotik RouterBOARD.

2. Omni Antenna

To expand the coverage area up to a few km, you will need an external omni antenna, even when you buy the access point is equipped with omni antenna, but not enough because only the magnitude of about 3-5dB, to expand its reach areas, you will need an external omni antenna, the flat- 15dB average strength.
Omni antenna has a radiation beam or 360 degrees, so the match can reach the client from any direction. Omni Antenna recommended brand, is Hyperlink, Finetic, but if your budget is limited you glance there's nothing wrong locally made omni antenna

3. Box Access Point
To protect your access point, then box-shaped protector is required, can be made of plastic or iron plate, the average box is already equipped with a safety lock, and this box should be placed just below the antenna.

4. Pigtail Cables / Jumper Cables
Pigtail wires or cables needed to connect jumperl between omni antenna with the access point, note that only the required maximum length of one meter, selebih than that you will experience signal degradation (dB loss) at both ends of the cable connectors which are adjusted with plug-type connector that attached to your access point.

5. POE (Power Over Ethernet)
gar cord is mounted on to "turn on" access point then you need a tool "POE" is the function of electricity flowing through an ethernet cable or UTP / STP, with this tool then you do not have to bother buying another power cord to the top tower, more practical and economical.

6. Cables UTP / STP
Despite the name of wireless devices, but the role is also necessary cables, cable UTP / STP is required for connecting between access point and the network cable at your local LAN, so under she can plug into a computer Gateway / Router or Hub / Switch, choose UTP cable / STP good quality in order to improve the quality of the electric current is passed through the POE.

7. Lightning arrester (Lightning Arrester)

As a safety from lightning then you need this tool that serves to channel excess electrical load when the lightning strikes to the grounding wire (grounding), this component or commonly known as Arrested Lightning Protector is installed on the jumper cable between the device and access points with external antennas. Grounding for lightning protection is generally planted with a copper rod to a depth of several meters to reach water. Remember that less good grounding will cause the wireless device remains vulnerable to lightning attacks.

8. Tower

In order to obtain the maximum coverage area of coverage, you need to raise external omni antenna to a high place so that your WLAN client can catch you with a good radio signal.

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