Free Download DSL605EU Aztech Modem Driver,

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

This time I will provide information about Aztech Modem Driver DSL605EU, posting this I give to friends who ask blogger about  DSL605EU Aztech Modem Driver,


DSL605EU Aztech Modem Driver is a software modem that is in use to forward a port on the local computer to be accessible from the Internet. eg a computer that is already installed therein will be forwarded to the website can be accessed through the Internet via Public IP provided by your ISP, then we need to forward port 80 (HTTP). if then we want to forward the SSH port (22) then we only need to add that port in the modem. port forwarding only works when the modem to dial up the Internet directly.

to get a driver you can free download here downloan DSL605EU Aztech Modem Driver

These modems have the same resemblance to the Corega CG-BARAA100V2 modems in terms of the Port Forwarding settings. For the Port Forwarding settings on the modem Aztech is as follows :

    * Login to the Modem
    * Move your mouse over the menu Advanced> LAN and then select LAN Clients
    * Enter computer IP address in the destination IP field (top) and click Submit

Next is the Set Port Forwarding:

    * After login to the modem, mouse in the menu Advanced> Application and then select Port Forwarding
    * Set LAN configurations

    WAN Connection: quickstart (adjust to your connection)
    Select LAN Group: LAN Group 1 (adjusted with the LAN Group used)
    LAN IP: (adjusted with the computer's IP destination)

    * In the Category menu, select User
    * Click New
    * Set Port Configuration

    Rule Name: MyWebSite (specify the name of the rule)
    Protocol: TCP, UDP
    Start Port: 80 (specify the port that will be forwarded)
    End Port: 80 (compare with the Start Port)
    Port Map: 80 (compare with the Start Port)

    * Click Submit
    * Revert to the previous page (Port Forwarding on the User category)
    * Select the rule to be activated, and then click Add
    * Click Submit
    * Save Settings, then Restart the modem

 hopefully useful.

Tag : aztech 56K modem driver|aztech modem driver download|azetch driver|Free modem driver|Driver PCI modem|56 modem

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